Crayola Experience - Florida Mall
Added: Jul 13, 2015
Category: Attractions - General
A rather unique alternative proposition has recently opened in Orlando. Located at the popular Florida Mall, the Crayola Experience is a fantastic option for those days when it is just too hot or too wet
to be outside at a theme park. Reasonably priced, a family of 4 can spend hours here for around $100 playing with the interactive attractions.
The first thing you do when you get there is create your very own, personalized iconic Crayola...
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The Orlando Eye
Added: May 31, 2015
Category: Attractions - General
The Orlando Eye recently opened here on International Drive and we finally got round to trying it out.
Originally hailing from London, England, we have been on the London Eye and loved it so we thought we would see how Florida's answer to it measured up.
The first thing that is different between the London and Orlando experience is the now customary pre-show that almost all attractions here in Florida provide. A 4D IMAX-styled w...
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Kennedy Space Center
Added: Jun 28, 2014
Category: Attractions - General
Kennedy Space Center is an amazing place to visit that you simply must visit if you come to Orlando. It is easy to forget about it as it is over on the East coast and there are so many distractions in Orlando but we strongly urge you to put one day aside to go visit this incredible piece of American history...............and it is still making history !!
One of the newest "attractions" is the space shuttle Atlantis exhibition that will make your jaw drop and give you goose-bumps as it is revealed to you in all its glory with great (and warranted) fanfare. We stood there just ...
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Disney Car Show at Downtown Disney
Added: Jun 15, 2014
Category: Attractions - Disney
Here are a selection of some of the fantastic cars that were on show at Downtown Disney during their car expo on Father's Day.
There were lots of side attractions to keep the kids entertained and plenty of awesome metal for the Dads to drool over !! Think we'll just let the pictures do the talking ...
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